"Read this for important disclaimers, legal stuff and fine print"
By purchasing this product, you express your understanding of and agreement with the following information. If you do not understand the meaning of any of these statements, please send an email to: marlon@amazingformula.com
Any statistics quoted in this letter are based on third party research. Because I quote a statistic does not necessarily mean I have validated that particular piece of information in my business or in the businesses of my customers. Having said that, these statistics are commonly held as true by the peers I associate with in this business.
Any and all claims or representations made in this letter are to be considered exceptional results by talented individuals who actually use the information, NOT the average result of anyone who buys the product. This applies especially to those who buy the product but do not read it, apply it or follow directions only partly. For example, because it's possible to create a web site in 2 or 3 hours, it does not mean you personally will be able to create the same quality of web site in the same amount of time. Having said that, it is the unsubstantiated belief of Higher Response Marketing, Inc. that the average person who buys this product can create a web site by following the steps we give in just 20 minutes a day per icon, if and only if they read the product and follow instructions as presented without significant deviation.
Your actual speed of learning may vary. No 2 people learn at the same speed. One person may be able to read one book and understand certain concepts more clearly than another person who's read multiple books and spent more time learning. Everyone is different.
I do not have statistics on the number of people who actually create web sites, nor the amount of time it takes to create them on average.
Testimonials: The testimonials in this letter represent the unique experiences of talented individuals and do not indicate you will or even can accomplish a similar result. Because someone else creates a complete web site in 2 hours the first time they study the Design Dashboard, that does not mean that you can do the same thing. I don't know you, your background, your work ethic, or whether you'll follow the steps exactly as I've laid them out.
Uniqueness of formula: This is to be taken in the sense that while others may teach similar ideas or steps, my web design formula is unique in that it brings together concepts and ideas all in one package combined with insights from my personal experience.
All information is provided for educational purposes only and may or may not represent factual information.
Common sense: You recognize that all marketing and any business endeavor encompasses risk. You freely and of your own will risk any and all capital you may choose to spend implementing the formula and concepts. You will do so with skill and common sense. You will not hold Higher Response Marketing Inc. nor Marlon Sanders liable or accountable in any way for any failure of the formula to live up to your expectations.
In short, let me sum up this way: You're an adult and I'm an adult. I'm sharing information based on my experiences, those of my friends and that which I've learned. You'll use your own brainpower to implement these methods at your own risk.
By clicking on the secure or non-secure server link or by calling the 800 number to order or by ordering in any other way -- you agree to these terms and conditions.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

CEO - Higher Response Marketing, Inc.