How I Started An Internet Business At Home From Scratch, Got 199,540 Opt In Emails And Sold A Boatload... If You Have One Hour A Day For 12 Days, You Can FEEL The Power
THE PROMISE: In just 12 days, you can feel the POWER! I'll show you step-by-step how I got 199,540 people to opt into my email list and sold a boatload. Plus, I'll show you how to trade products for dollars instead of your time by gettin' your list together and makin' your sales rock.
Not that I promise you will do what I've done. BUT I will show you how I have personally done it and walk you through my secrets step-by-step.
THE UNIQUENESS: You will get people on your email list and make sales -- guaranteed. You will do that faster, simpler, easier and cheaper than with any other alternative. Period. Plus, I've included some special methods for ADVANCED marketers. So it's NOT just for newbies.
THE GUARANTEE: Click the icons. Follow the step-by-step screen caps and videos. Your Squeeze page will convert, your list size will grow and your emails will make sales -- or your money back.
THE CREDIBILITY: Based on hundreds of promotions I've created and sent since 1998! Plus, I've spoken at over 120 Internet marketing seminars around the world. I innovated a number of techiques that are standard practice in the industry today.
THE BONUSES: I have special bonuses from time to time. The bonuses you see today may not be there tomorrow.
AFFILIATE PROGRAM: Pays out 50% on all sales.
"The Promo Dashboard"
Dear Internet Friend,
Do you have 12 days and under a 100 bucks?
If you do, then you can feel the power...
Let me explain...
One time I was speaking at a seminar in New York City. Great place. And my friends Jonathan Mizel, Declan Dunn and I were out on the town. All of our businesses had money rolling in like clockwork.
We walked past this ATM machine. Jonathan joked that THAT was what our business was like -- "Cash On Demand!" And you know what?
He was right.
You can FEEL the power for yourself in 12 days...more on that shortly. But first, let me ask you a question...
If you got a $5,000 check in the mail, would you forget about it? I mean, what's your honest answer?
Truth: I've done that more than once. I've just not bothered to renew autoresponder accounts because I had so many leads flowing in. I've criss-crossed the globe and U.S., spoken at over 120 seminars, innovated a number of methods now commonplace in the industry and done all that working less -- a lot less -- than most people.
See, you either trade time for dollars or products. I trade products for dollars so I don't have to trade my time.
But WHO is gonna buy those products? And what if you don't have your own product yet? Well, the answer is to build your list. I've done that...Gotten 199,540 on my list -- and that is JUST my Aweber list.
Not counting my automateyourwebsite.com lists. Not counting my getresponse.com lists. Not counting a 30.000+ autoresponder I didn't bother to renew because I was so flooded with money, orders and opt ins.
I've successfully rolled out dozens of products, been as high as 4,000 or 5,000 on Alexa. Innovated many of the strategies in online marketing now considered commonplace and standard. Like you ever hear the saying, "The money is in the list?"
You have me to blame for that. And my product The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy. Maybe you've heard about or seen my Design Dashboard or Push Button Letters software (I created the "letter writing software" genre.
And when I say I started from scratch, I MEAN it. I remember buying deodorant with all pennies. And picking up a date in a car that smoked like a bomb.
But when you're able to get 199,540 people to opt in, it changes things. Changes them a lot. Change is the only constant in life. It isn't the smartest, fittest or fastest who SURVIVE.
It's those who adapt.
You wanna survive whatever the ECONOMY throws at you? Adapt man! Adapt. And if you're gonna adapt and change, you might as well build your email list 'cause it's instant money on demand.
If I need money, I can send out an email and have CASH in hand via my debit card in 15 minutes. What OTHER business can you do THAT in?
But this isn't about me. It's about you.
Before we go on, let me be 100% straight upfront here and Average Earnings show you the average earnings reported to me by a survey of my customers and ezine readers, lest you think I turn everyone who buys from me into instant millionaires.
You got bills? A retirement breathing down your neck? Health problems? Worries? Yeah, I understand. Been there. Done that.
I had a client one time worth 600 million. He told me, "Marlon, money won't solve your problems but when you're riding in a limo it makes 'em more enjoyable."
How are you gonna GET that money? By sending out emails that sell highly valuable products to your list and trading products for dollars instead of time. Either your own products or AFFILIATE products.
Do you wanna build yourself a nice, big ol' fat list that'll support you with bankable cash everytime you zap out an email to your list? Do you wanna be able to buy stuff by just sending an email?
How about being able to generate INSTANT Paypal cash?
Now, 'nuff 'bout me. Let's talk about how this helps YOU rock and roll, make sales and hippy hop to the bank with a gigantic grin on your face while you're sayin' to your spouse or friends, "SEE, I TOLD YOU SO!"
You start with the first icon. You click on it.
Can you point your mouse? Can you click? Can you read instructions? Can you follow instructions?
If you can follow 1, 2, 3 instructions, then you CAN get results with Promo Dashboard. I 100% guarantee that and put my money where my MOUTH is 4X over. Hardly ANY other Internet marketers have the balls to do that!
Now, I do NOT guarantee you'll make a million dollars. You may not make anything. Life is uncertain and so is marketing.
But I'll tell you this:
You follow the simple, easy steps. Then you go to icon two. Each day you do one icon. Next thing you know, you've got a Squeeze page that snaps up email addresses like a Venus Flytrap snaps up flies, you have email broadcasts going out, "The Full Arsenal" is in effect and people are buying like crazy.
Making money online is NOT complex.
And I MUST believe if you target your market the way I teach, get people ON your email list and SEND out emails, this will get you positive, tangible results.
You get people on your LIST. You send emails asking 'em to buy. And if that doesn't work, you use blog posts, podcasts, videos, Twitter messages, teleseminars and webinars that ask 'em to buy.
Whether you sell your own products or AFFILIATE products, it's all the same process.
What It Would FEEL Like If YOU
Had 199,540
On YOUR Email List?
Here's how I pay my bills or buy new stuff I want.
I wake up. Can you do that? OK good. We're on the same page so far.
I sip down coffee. Tea or water will do.
Then I open up my text editor and WRITE an email.
I pop it into Aweber. Hit send and that's it.
Now, of course, I spend time creating products or hire people to help. But that's basically it. Today I talked 2 hours on the phone with Daegan Smith. Only 2 years ago he was a newbie too. Now, he tells me he's grossing $100,000 a month. That, by the way, is exceptional and NOT average by any means.
But it shows you it CAN be done! By the way, his interview is a bonus and you'll get it if you order by midnight. I'll also grandfather you in on some OTHER killer interviews.
Imagine getting 199,540 people to OPT IN to your list! Of course, people come and go. I don't have that many deliverables. But that IS how many have opted in to my lists -- and more.
Like my friend who has sold
$500,000,000 online.
I've got an interview with him coming up shortly.
But if you wanna get it, you need to get in today -- or you very well could miss out.
In my Promo Dashboard, I'm gonna walk you step-by-step through how to do these things using both screen caps and video as needed. And even if you think you can't do audio, video, podcasts, blog posts or write emails, I'm gonna show you HOW!
What's more, you won't spend a bundle or sweat bullets wading through huge manuals. I'm gonna remove the "learning curve" as much as possible. I'll take the complexity out and make things as simple as possible.
It's called point-and-click promotion. And it's destined to become the latest rage to hit Internet marketing. Why? Because you don't have to wade through dozens, hundreds or thousands of pages of information or sit through hundreds of hours of video. Instead, you just click the icons and follow the simple, easy steps.
If you're tired of not knowing what to do or how to do it, if you're fed up with Squeeze pages that get opt-ins at anemic rates, if your emails don't sell, if you don't know how to do audio, video, webinars and Twitter, or you think "it's just not for you", then here's what my new Promo Dashboard will do for you:
Walks you step-by-step through what to do and how to do it. Every step is clearly laid out and labeled with big, blue numbers and step-by-step screen caps (with support by video as needed)
The purpose of information is NOT knowledge but ACTION. How many things do you buy but never ACT on? The Promo Dashboard almost forces you to take ACTION.
Saves you tons of time:
All you do is click and follow the instructions. You don't have to try to figure out what's next. You just click the next icon and follow the steps. The step-by-step screen caps make it much faster and easier to use and follow than programs that are all videos.
Create Squeeze pages that snag opt-ins like a Venus Flytrap Snaps Up Flies.
This isn't rocket science. But it IS absolutely critical to your success. If you don't have an email list or people simply aren't joining yours, I'll reveal "the truth" about what it takes along with REALL LIFE examples of the truth in action.
Gives you an A to Z system:
You get the the whole ball of wax, starting with targeting your ideal buyer. This is critical because it sets the stage for merchandising your freebie to get opt-in subscribers.
Next comes step-by-step instructions on how to create reports, screen capture videos, cd's, and courses to COMPEL people to join your email list. I don't just tell you to do this. I show you how to do it step-by-step.
Next comes the web page creation where you set up your Squeeze page, add the header, add autoresponder, fly in ad, and so forth. I refer you to a shortlist of graphic designers who understand Squeeze pages and can create one for you at very reasonable prices. Or, of course, you can create your own using what you learned in Design Dashboard.
Of course, I cover registering your domain name, getting a good quality web host (for cheap!) and how to FTP your files!
Finally, you learn how to send out emails then funnel people through to podcasts, screen capture videos, live video, teleseminars and blogs that get people to BUY! You won't find anything else like it anywhere. Just about no stone is left unturned.
Something for beginners or advanced students:
My Promo Dashboard was created for beginners. But I've included a few steps for advanced students as well. For example, you'll get the copy-and-paste code that puts people's names in the headline of your sales page when you send out emails. Not to mention the trick podcast players and other goodies I've packed in.
How to get people to BUY using "the full arsenal."
Once you GET people on your email list, you gotta sell 'em. I'll show you step-by-step how to set up your blog, put up a podcast with a "tricked out" player, create screen capture videos, send Twitter messages and more.
Visually demonstrates what to do with screen captures:
A picture is often worth a thousand words. So I include plenty of screen captures to demonstrate the different steps, without overwhelming you with needless details or endless screen shots. I've struck a balance to make this simple, practical and useable.
Shows you how to "pimp out" your PDF's, podcast players, affiliate tools, video players and Power Points.
People get bored if you send out the same ol', same ol' stuff. So I'm gonna empower YOU to have tricked out and hopped up podcasts, videos, PDF's and other tools -- with the end result that people stay on your email list longer, read, listen, participate and BUY.
Give Me 12 Days And You
Will FEEL The Power Too
It takes 12 days to go through the first 2 rows of my Promo Dashboard. Gimme 30 minutes or an hour a day and just SEE if you don't feel the power.
Then, in 6 quick weeks, you've finished your Dashboard. Emails are rolling in. Promos are rolling out. Things are hoppin' and poppin'! This may be the most excited you've ever been in your left next, of course, to the day you got married (or the day you got divorced!)
Some people get faster results, some get slower. But I can tell you this; After you finish the 6-week program, and you have people on your email list -- the feeling is totally awesome.
When I need money, I write a little email, hit send and the money floods in. How much money depends on what you sell and how many people you have on your list. But when you get the Daegan Smith interview, you'll find out how he built a huge business in only 2 years.
Some do it faster. Some slower. But one thing I know. If you get people on your email list, find out what they want and send 'em emails selling it to 'em, you WILL get money flooding in....
....Sometimes within just minutes of hitting send! Imagine how great that feels. How would you like to have that power?
Whether you sell your OWN products or you're promoting AFFILIATE products, you still do the same thing. You get people on your email list, then you send out offers.
What's different about my new Promo Dashboard is you don't have to read a lot of stuff. You're busy. You're probably dealing with information overload. You have a lot of stuff to do and not enough time to do it in.
My goal from day one when I launched The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy was to make selling your products and services sell like crazy. And it still is, only right now what I'm doing is showing you step by step how to create a killer Squeeze page then send out email promos that actually convert!
By the way, I'm a real person. My office number is (210) 561-1829. That's a real number, not a voice mail. During business hours that's answered by either myself or my team every day. Please call only during weekday business hours 9-5 CST.
Anyway, the problem is information overload. There are so many ebooks with so much information on how to make web sites, or videos on what to do, I believe you could spend the rest of your LIFE watching the videos and trying to come up with a feasible Squeeze page from those instructions.
Forget all that. Can you point? Can you click? Can you download a simple free software program? Can you follow simple step 1, 2, 3 instructions?
Your goal is to create a killer Squeeze page with a freebie on it (like a report, PDF, for ecourse) that compels people to join your list. That way, you can send out emails and make sales, Right? OK then. Let's get your show on the road.
4 Key Differences Separate
Promo Dashboard From Other Solutions!

You point, click and follow the steps labelled by the big blue numbers -- all in just 30-60 minutes a day. Nothing could be easier. Everything is covered A to Z from html editors to hosting, domain names, ftp, and autoresponders. You get step-by-step screen caps, which are a lot faster than watching tons of tedious, boring videos. Yet, where it would make things faster, I've used videos. It's about speed and ease. You'll need 30-60 minutes a day. Some icons take longer, but you can just split 'em up into multiple days. |
You get membership in my Promo Forum for 60 days where you can ask questions I'm setting up a Promo Dashboard Forum where members can help other members. That way, if you have a question, you won't be left high and dry. This forum will be available for 60 days, and is a BONUS, so you will want to act promptly to assure you get in. |
You'll discover my secrets not taught anywhere else for TRICKING OUT your pdf's, videos, podcast players, and email broadcasts The Promo Dashboard covers ALL the basics as thoroughly as I could. But I wanted to go beyond that with advanced secrets. So I've included the scoop on how to PIMP OUT pdf's, Power Points, screen videos, and even your opt-in forms. While some marketers DO these things but REFUSE to teach 'em, I reveal what they won't or don't. This isn't about what a stud I am, how cool my video looks, how pimped out MY PDF's are. It's about empowering YOU to have cool stuff that sells. Cool pdf's, videos, PowerPoints and podcasts. |
You get simple, focused actions to take -- without all the overwhelm and information overload I call it the Occam's Razor solution. Occam's razor (sometimes spelled Ockham's razor) is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar, William of Ockham.The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory (from Wikopedia). In other words, you focus on the few things that work and eliminate all the other noise. Believe it or not, there are ONLY a couple things that really matter on the Squeeze page and conversion emails. |